
Introducing Bloglovin'

June 23, 2016

Have you ever heard of Bloglovin'? Well, it's basically a social media platform for bloggers to share their works. I think not a lot of people, especially in Indonesia, know about the existence of this incredible platform, and it's too bad. That's why I'm writing this post to let more people know about it.

If you have a blog or like to read blog posts, I really recommend you to have an account in Bloglovin'. Here, you can find a lot of amazing blogs to follow and their new posts will pop up in your feed after you follow them. It makes reading blogs much more easier, especially when you don't really enjoy having too many e-mails from the blogs you follow via newsletter popping up in your e-mail once in a while. There are a lot of interesting posts to read and you will get a lot of inspiration and knowledge from these posts.

If you're blogger, Bloglovin' will be a good platform to share your posts and see other bloggers' works for more inspiration. You can link your blog to your personal profile, and after that it will automatically update your newest posts from your blog directly to your blog's profile on Bloglovin'. I can find a lot of bloggers from all around the world, especially from the UK and US. However, there are not that many Indonesian bloggers that I find here. It's kind of making me sad.

I really enjoy reading blog posts from Bloglovin' because there are A LOT of great blogs out there and it's much more easier to find using Bloglovin' than web search engines. I'm so happy to have joined and explore Bloglovin'. Go explore the website here and there is also an app of it that you can download right into your phone, so you can just read blogs wherever you are as long as you have an internet connection :D I hope you will find this platform useful like I do.

You can follow my Bloglovin' account on the 'Follow Me' section on the right side of this post :)
Happy exploring this awesome platform!

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  1. I use this, but not really gain much traffic from it as I don't really active using it. I guess I'm too busy using my Instagram. Lol. Nice blog btw, and salam kenal :)


  2. Nice info. May be I will make an account in Bloglovin'. Andai saja blogger Indonesia juga punya Bloglovin' versi Indo ya :)

  3. I still don't get it how to use this.. mungkin akunya yg kuper hehehe but thanks for sharing.. ;)

    1. It's okay, just take your time with it.. hahaa
      Kalo aku sih suka banget ngebuka dan ngecek semua setting yang ada di akunnya. Coba aja dibongkar-bongkar dulu :)
      Thanks for reading too! :D

  4. I still don't get it how to use this.. mungkin akunya yg kuper hehehe but thanks for sharing.. ;)


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