
15 Things to be Remembered for the First Time Flyer

August 28, 2016

Hey everyone!

If you're going to fly for the first time soon, then today is your lucky day! Because I will share a few tips about things that you need to know before your exciting first flight!
So, let's just begin! Here are 15 tips for you:

Make A List of Your Belongings

It's always good to have a list of the belongings you're bringing on your journey. You can write it down on your phone or a notebook and just check it to see if you're ready to go. Before your journey, you can check whether you forget to bring something, and on your way back from your journey you can check again to see whether you get all your belongings together. It's especially useful if you're the type of person who is easily forget about something.

Make Sure You Bring Your Ticket, ID Card, and Passport

It might seem obvious, but sometimes we're just too nervous or overwhelmed with other things that we forget the obvious. Always make sure that you have all your important documents with you before going to the airport.

Wear Comfortable Clothes

Waiting at the airport and sitting on the airplane can be so tiring and uncomfortable. Don't make it become even less comfortable by wearing complicated clothes and shoes. Stay as simple and as relaxed as you can.

Don't Wear Too Many Things with Metal

You will get through quite a number of metal detector. Can you imagine having to take off some pieces of your clothes and accessories everytime the alarm goes on? It's better for you to keep the metal to the minimum.

Make Sure Your Luggage are Within the Limit

Whether it's the luggage you're dropping at the check-in counter or the hand luggage you're bringing inside the plane, always check that they're within limits. If they're not you may need to pay extra charges or throw some of your things away. So, don't forget to check it after you're finished packing.

Keep Your Boarding Pass and Luggage Claim Pass Safe

After you're through with the check-in, sometimes you'll feel more relaxed and being careless about your boarding pass and luggage claim pass. You really shouldn't. Remember that you need your boarding pass to be able to enter the plane, and you'll need the luggage claim pass to claim your luggage later on. So, keep them at a safe place and don't lose them.

Remember Your Boarding Gate

After the check-in, you might want to wander around the airport before the boarding time. It's totally okay, but you need to know where your boarding gate first. So, when you lose track of time and suddenly your name is being called on the speaker, you know where to head directly. Also, remember to keep checking if your gate is being moved to another gate, because it can happen, and you don't want to miss your flight just because you go to the wrong gate.

Stay Alert to Hear the Announcement

It's really important to always listen to the announcement. You may board the plane faster or your flight can be delayed. You won't know what's happening, if you don't listen to the announcement.

Know the Difference Between Boarding Time and Departure Time

Some people get these two things mixed up. Boarding time is the time you enter the plane, while departure time is the time your plane will fly. Obviously, you need to enter the plane first before the plane depart. So, make sure to come to the airport at least two hours before the departure time on your ticket, and make sure to check your boarding time on your boarding pass again after you're checked in. The boarding time is usually around 45 minutes to 30 minutes before the departure time. Make sure to always check your watch or the clock on your phone and arrange everything, so you won't miss your flight.

Try to be the First One to Board the Plane, If You Have Big Hand Luggage

If you have many or big hand luggage, then it's better if you try to board the plane as soon as possible. If you enter first, then you will have more room to keep your luggage safely on the cabin storage above your seat. But if you're late, it might already be full or you won't be able to store your luggage near your seat, as the crew will place it inside any empty storage that can be found at that time.

Go to the Toilet Before Departure and Landing

Before departing and landing, you won't be allowed to walk around because it's dangerous. You need to put your seat belt on and stay put until the plane is on the air or fully landed. So, it's better to go to the toilet before it, because you won't know how long it takes to be able to unlocked your seat belt again.

Move Your Mouth to Ease the Pain on Your Ears When the Plane Depart & Land

When the plane is about to depart and land, it will make so much noise that sometimes can hurt your ears. You can either put on ear plugs or headset, but I always do this mimicking move of chewing. You can actually chew something too if you want, like candies or gums. It helps ease the pain in your ears.

Pre-order Your Meal or Bring Your Own Food

It's always good to pre-order your meal, especially when you're having a long flight. So, you will be able to enjoy your food first and you won't be needing to pay it again. If the food on the plane is way too expensive for you, then you can always prepare your own food to be eaten anytime you want.

Bring Entertainment and Stay Comfortable

Check out if your flight has an on-flight entertainment. If they do, it's good! If they don't, then whether it's a playlist on your phone, a book, etc, will be really helpful to face the boredom you're going to face on the plane. Just make sure to not use the electronic devices when your plane is departing and landing. You can also have a lovely talk with your friends or strangers beside you to kill the time. Don't forget to bring a pillow or blanket or socks or anything to keep you comfortable, if you're having a night flight too. Stay comfortable is always the key of enjoyable flying experience.

Your first destination after landing is either the toilet or the luggage claim

It's really important to claim your luggage as soon as possible. You can have a short visit to the toilet but after that just head directly to the conveyor belts. Find the conveyor belt with the name of the aircraft that you just traveled with and keep your eyes on your luggage. There are some times when your luggage is swapped with other passenger, or you can't find your luggage. If that happens, just go to the Lost & Found counter and they will help you find your luggage. Hope it won't be happening to any of you though, because it's horrible. Make sure to have your luggage tickets ready for claiming your luggage too at this point.

Those are some of the tips that I learned based on my flying experiences. Hope this article will help some of you, and have a pleasant flight! :D

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  1. I've never been in flying. My heart beats when read this article :D Wishing my first flight going to ease ^^

    1. Hi! Thanks for reading! ^^
      It will get easier after you tried it once, but it's normal to be nervous on your first time. Hope you'll have an enjoyable flying experience! :D


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