
Food Travel // New Indomie Flavors

March 28, 2017

Welcome to another post about instant noodles! :D

If you're Indonesian, then you'll definitely know and love this instant noodles called Indomie! If you're a foreigner, then you should totally check it out when you visit Indonesia!
Although, most of Indonesian people love the original fried noodle flavor, it doesn't stop Indomie to keep creating new flavors. This time they created these new flavors that caught my attention because they had "sambal" in the name.

Meet the Mie Goreng Sambal Matah and Mie Goreng Sambal Rica Rica flavors:

I ate them both happily and I love them both just equally! I think I love the sambal matah one a little bit more because of its strong flavor, but I did enjoy them both so much!

Other than those two sambal flavors, there is also this special flavor for people in East Java: Tahu Tek flavor! Tahu tek is a traditional food originated from Surabaya, and if you want to know more about it, you can read it here.

Honestly, I didn't quite enjoy the tahu tek flavor, but if you're a big tahu tek fan then you should definitely try it at least once! I still prefer the sambal matah and rica rica ones, and I will definitely eat them once in a while (since it isn't really healthy to eat it often, is it?).

This is the end of another Food Travel post. Don't worry though, because the February Travel Post is coming up right after this! So, see you pretty soon! :D

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