
Film Review // Beauty and the Beast

April 29, 2017

I told you I am going to write a review of the newest Beauty and the Beast live action film by Disney. So, here I am sitting and typing my thoughts into this post! 😁

Just like everyone, I think Disney animated films has been such an impact of my childhood. I grew up watching every single film and listening to every single song. Out of all the films, the one film that I just couldn't help but love is Beauty and the Beast. I used to love reading, just as much as Belle, that's why I could relate so much with her. Other than that, I truly adore the concept of inner beauty in the story.

Long story short, Belle became my most favorite Disney Princess. So, you can imagine how excited I was when I heard that they're going to make a live-action version of the film and one of my favorite actress, Emma Watson, was cast as Belle! I've been waiting for this live action version ever since Disney started making live action films out of their animated films. I just couldn't believe that after Maleficent and Cinderella, it's going to be Beauty and the Beast's turn! Exciting!

I didn't watch the movie on its exact premiere day, but I chose to go on the weekend. Two weekends to be exact, because yes, I did watch the film twice! I didn't plan to, but it just happened that way. It's great though, so I can double-checked everything to create a better review, right? 😆

Warning: The next paragraphs will contain spoilers. If you want to avoid 'em in any way possible then I do not suggest you to continue reading. Proceed with caution.

Okay, let's just get started with my real thoughts about the live action. If I have to describe the film in a few words it would be: musical, emotional, and beautiful. Musical, because it's basically a musical film. I'm glad that Disney sticks to its core, I mean the amazing songs in the animation would've been such a waste to be missed in the live action. Emotional, because you can have a much better understanding of each character's emotion in this film rather than in the animation. Beautiful, because everything is just basically stunning. Let me elaborate more, shall we?

I always love great musical films like Les Misérables and Grease, now I can add Beauty and the Beast on that list. Each song is performed amazingly with lots of emotion put into the lyrics. It's just.. breathtaking. One little thing that I wish could've been done better is the scene in 'Belle' song where the lyrics go:
"Oh, isn't this amazing? It's my favorite part because you'll see. Here's where she meets Prince Charming. But she won't discovered that it's him til' chapter 3."
Personally, I love the scene in the animation better, where Belle sat around a fountain talking to the sheep around her that ended up eating a page of her book. The scene in the live action doesn't really capture the same feeling. It just shows Belle wandering around town, reading, and talking to herself. I just feel like something is missing. Do you get my point? I really love this part of the song that I actually waiting to see the scene, but honestly, I was kind of disappointed of that part.

Other than that minor setback, I love every performance in the films! The Belle (Reprise) is one of my favorites. Gaston and Be My Guest are the very definition of the word Awesome! The new songs How Does A Moment Last Forever, Days In the Sun, and Evermore are just full of emotions. Of course, Beauty and the Beast ballroom dance is also really spot on. It captures the perfect emotions of the characters just like the lyrics said:
"Both a little scared. Neither one prepared. Beauty and the Beast."
So, of course I didn't expect a smooth amazing dance, but an unsure and beautiful one.

In this film, you will get a few back story of the characters, like the story behind Belle's mother's absence in the film and why Beast had such a bad behavior. It's nice to finally get to know the characters a little bit deeper. Also, you will finally be able to see more of Beast's emotion through his solo performance with the song Evermore. Nicely done!

Everything in this film just looks so beautiful to me, the song, the performance, the set, basically all of them. I'm still quite weird out by how Mrs. Potts and Chip turned out to be, but I can cope with that. Nothing much changed in the story line, which is good, because I think the story is already as beautiful and magical as it can get. I'm glad that the live action is actually a much improved version of the animated film and it brings back so many #throwback moments. I was enjoying this film on IMAX 3D and it was such a sensational experience! I can't wait to watch it again now after writing this review!

You see, even though Belle is the prettiest girl in town, people still talk about her. This situation really describe the nature that people are still going to judge you no matter what you're doing and how you look like. Yes, the fact will bother you sometimes, just like it bothered Belle in the film at some point. However, those people don't really know your complete story after all, so why don't you just let them be and focus your energy on the people that actually want to know you and love you for everything you've been through. That's something to learn from this film, besides the whole message on don't judge someone based on how they look like on the outside or you'll get cursed like the Beast 😂

That is all for my review. I might be a little biased because I love the story so much, but you should definitely watch this film! The only question left is who the enchantress actually is? Why did she randomly appeared on Beast's castle? Not having any explanations about it is kind of killing me. Oh, well.. maybe we'll know all about it someday, or maybe it'll remain a mystery forever. Meanwhile, for all the Disney/Beauty and the Beast geeks out there, you might want to check out this video after reading my post, because this video just makes me feels sooo satisfied 😏

Okay then, see you on my next post, guys! 😁
Au revoir for now!

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