
Food Travel // March 2017

April 26, 2017

It's almost the end of April already and I just posted my March 2017 Food Travel post. I'm sorry for it being terribly late, but better late than never right? 😁

Alright let's just dive into it.

I started March with this vegan bread I got from my aunt. I've never tasted any vegan bread before,  but I didn't notice any difference than any regular bread. I even think it's tasty! For those of you who are vegan, you might want to try out this one:

Have you ever visited cinema just to enjoy the popcorn? Well, that's what my mom and I did. My little sister even got this Doraemon water bottle too at that time. I guess popcorn isn't just enjoyable while watching films, but also when you're hanging out.

This month Han-Ji Cheesecake just released a new product called mixed cheesetart. It has 6 different flavors: crunchy apple, blueberry, matcha, chocolate, peanut butter, and strawberry. As usual, I really love the crispy part of the tart and my favorite flavors are chocolate and peanut butter. The crunchy apple is also interesting because it has some pieces of apple in it.

I also tried out the chocolate cheese cake, and it was yummy and fluffy 😁

If you love spicy food, then you're gonna love my visit to Beautika. Read the full post here.

It's been a while since the last time I ate this Rotiboy bread. The original/mocca one is always going to be my favorite 😍

I also found this delicious Puli crackers. I always love a good savory cracker. I can munch to it all day.

One of my obsession in March was this Kue Belinjo. It all started when one of my office mates brought it to be shared. Then at home, I found out that we also had one box of it. I ate every piece of it, and it was so delicious and addictive to me.

New recipe alert! I tried to cook this dory fish with one of my mom recipe and it was delicious! I don't think it's 100% complete though. So, I may want to explore this recipe more 😊

I finally tried out this UHA Matcha Milk Candy! It's been out there for so long, yet it was my very first time eating it. How I wish I've tasted it sooner, because it's really yummy!! 😍

Another food sensation in Indonesia: Tahu Bulat (rounded tofu). The truck just stayed in front of my office one day, and I decided to try it out since I'm such a tofu lover. It was really tasty!! I just couldn't stop munching 😋

I had this yummy Tuna Cheese Puff from J.Co Coffee too. I got it for free, because my sibling bought a drink there. How nice.

My mom bought me this Choco Green Tea Snowcake at Garuda Travel Fair event!! I was really thrilled, since I've been wanting to try it for a while. Yes, it's as tasty as I imagined it would be. Love it! I just didn't really enjoy the messy part of the pastry.

I won a giveaway by Esprecielo Allure in February and my prize finally arrived! I got a bottle of their Vanilla Green Tea Latte drink and two bags of the powder one. So, happy to get one of my favorite drinks for free! Plus I got a paper bag with Glenn Alinkie and Chelsea Olivia on each side 😍

This green tea combo I had in March was truly the bomb! 😋

Then in March, I also visited this food court at Pakuwon Mall called Pasarame for the very first time. It uses card for transactions, so I made one.

I like the vibe of this food court, and especially love the big windows in it. I can imagine myself eating while enjoying the sound of the pouring rain hitting the window softly (how melancholy 😂). My brother tried out this nice curry and my mother got addicted to the Leker here. Lately we've been visiting this place quite often.

I also want to introduce you to Warung Itali! It's a food stall in front of my office and it sells delicious pasta with reasonable price and promotions! I love all of the pasta here! If you're a pasta lover and you live in Surabaya, then you must definitely try it! 😆😋

Sipping through this Oreo Green Tea drink from Ice Tea Singapore! Yum yum! 😁

There was a cafe visit too in March. You can read the complete story of my visit to Kaldee's here.

One of my office mates went to Bali and she offered to buy me some of these delicious pies! If you visit Bali, you definitely need to try the Pie Susu! It's such a nice sweet treat to have during the day 😋

March is my anniversary month, and I enjoyed a delicious and fun dinner with my boyfriend at My Kopi O!. Let's read the complete story here, shall we? 😊😉

I was lucky enough to get a chance to try the spicy sushi from Suteki Go! Oh my wasn't it really delicious and spicy at the same time. Go check it out!

There's nothing more appealing than a taste of home. Been enjoying Pangsit Mie Ujung Pandang so much while growing up. I just always need to have it once in a while. One of my favorite places to have it is at Pangsit Mie "90" Ujung Pandang 😍

Here's to another month trying out new tasty instant noodles! I tried out these new flavors of Indomie Real Meat in this post! I also have one post dedicated to Samyang noodles. All of you, instant noodle lovers, just go check them out right now!

One of a friend bought a box of Terang Bulan for me and my friends. I forgot the brand, but it was such a nice afternoon snack 😋

As if I never get enough of instant noodles. Yes, I did try this Bulnak Pan Stirfried Noodle too! It's spicy, even though it's not as spicy as Samyang noodles. However, it's a little bit sweeter than Samyang. It's not that sweet though, otherwise I wouldn't enjoy it at all (because I hate the food with sweet and savory combination). I was surprisingly quite enjoying it. I would love to have some more in the future.

To close the month, I used a Line voucher to buy me a Venti Hot Caramel Macchiato from Starbucks. My brother helped me buy it though, and I shared it with him too. He also bought the cake, because the promo was to get 50% discount on the drink with the food purchase. So, yeah, he bought the cake, I enjoyed my coffee, everybody was happy 😊

So, this is the end of my March 2017 Food Travel post. I hope I cam post the next month's sooner than this one. Wish me luck! 😁
I hope you've been enjoying this post and have a great day everyone! 😊
See you on my next post!

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