
Food Travel // Samyang

April 08, 2017

Hello, guys!
How's your week going? I hope it's good enough 😁
Today, I will share about this favorite instant noodle of mine: Samyang! It's a Korean instant noodle that is so famous for being super spicy! Like, seriously, you might need to have some glasses of milk ready while eating this. Despite the spiciness, it has a really delicious taste that makes you will want to eat it again and again and again. I can't really stand the spiciness, but I really love eating it because it's so yummy! (masochist enough? 😂)

At first it only has this one original flavor:

I remember eating it for the first time, tears on my eyes due to it being so spicy, yet I started to crave for it again at the next day. Yes, I tried to reduced the sauce to half, but it made the noodle taste bland. I found using 3/4 of the sauce will still make it taste delicious though. So, if you want to make it less spicy yet still tasty, try putting around 3/4 of the sauce on the noodles.
Here's how it looks like:

Now, they have added more flavors like this cheese one:

It's said to be less spicy than the original one (I guess, it's because of the cheese), but it's still quite spicy to me. The cheese adds up quite a nice flavor though 😋

Another flavor that they have is this ice/cold noodle:

It has a slightly different way of cooking. You still boil the noodles like usual, but after you finish boiling it, you need to pour cold water over it. This flavor has a cool sensation that will be refreshing in a hot weather. It's still spicy, but it's less spicy than the original one. I have ever tried cold noodle when I visited South Korea back in 2015, and it's nice to be able to taste it again 😄

The last flavor that I tried is this one with the soup:

I can assure you that it's quite spicier than the original one, especially the soup. However, it was so nice to be eaten with meatballs or dumplings on a rainy day. Just don't eat all the soup or you will burn your tongue with the spiciness 😂

Out of these four, my favorite one is still the original one. However, I think I might still crave for the other flavors once in a while too! 😋

There are two more flavors that I haven't tried: the curry flavor and the nuclear one (which is twice spicier than the original one). I would totally love to try them, because (a.) I totally love curry and (b.) I'm really curious how both of 'em taste like. So, just relax and wait for a potential Samyang post in the future! 😆😉

This is the end of the post for now!
See you on my next post and have a lovely weekend! 😁😙

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  1. heboh banget ya samyang ini, belum nyoba sih, tapi temen2 pada gak nyaranin saking pedesnya :D

    1. Iya, entah kenapa samyang ini bisa booming banget :D
      Kalo ga tahan dan ga suka pedes si mendingan jangan coba satu bungkus sndirian, mending nyicip punya temen aja, daripada kenapa2.. hahahaa XD

  2. samyang was probably the most delicious noodle in the world


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