Food Travel // May 2017
June 19, 2017Hello again everyone! Here I am with another monthly Food Travel post. This time it's for my May 2017!
Without further ado, let's just get started! 😆
In May, I tried out another instant noodle from Mikuya Ramen, and guess what, it's Japanese Curry Flavor! I was so excited to try it when I first saw it on the supermarket! After trying it though, I couldn't find any resemblance with Japanese curry in its flavor, to be honest. It just tasted similar to Indomie's Chicken Curry flavor. It's still delicious, but just don't expect too much from the Japanese Curry flavor.
I bought this Coffee Beans Chocolate from Suncrest for quite some time already, but I just tried it out this May. If you love coffee, you're going to love this! You really can find a coffee bean covered with chocolate which tastes amazing! 😆
My addictions in May was XXL Crispy Chicken from Shihlin!! You'll find more pictures below of me buying it again later in May. The first time I bought it in May, was the first time I ate it for quite a long time. I just kind of missing it, then decided to stop by the outlet and had one. I bought the original-not spicy flavor one at that time. I totally love this snack because it has great portion and delicious taste! I don't really like to have too many spices on my snack, so their original flavor is just perfect for me!
My mom also tried out the Sweet Plum Potato Fries which was good, but I just prefer the salty snacks.
I was heartbroken to find that LaReia hadn't really launched their new Retro Cakes series when I visited it at that time. I really wanted to try their cake inspired by the Rainbow Paddle Pop Ice Cream. So, when I didn't get a chance to try the cake, I decided to buy the original ice cream form the supermarket instead! It's still as delicious as I remembered it from my childhood. I used to love it sooo much! 😍
On the same day, I also had fun trying out a lot of snacks! Check out the story of my small snacks adventure here!
I was able to taste the newest flavor of Surabaya Snowcake too! It's the Snowcake O'Cheese one which has oreos in it! I truly love it! 😍
While wandering around a bazaar, I found this Cozy Noodle stall, and my mom decided to try some. It had great taste that I just couldn't stop eating it. Definitely worth to try!
It was one of my office mates' birthday and she gave each of us this delicious chocolate bread from Morin!
Before office hours started, my friend and I decided to find food around the office, and I ended up buying this sari dele.
A photo session with Waffle On D'Wheels! They had lots of delicious new flavors for their waffle. My favorite one was the S'mores one! Go check them out! 😋
My college friend was having a short escape back to Surabaya from Jakarta! See the food we had while having our reunion here.
A lunch break while having an office program here at Regency 21 Club House. I don't really know the name of the fried rice, but it tasted great. I totally fell in love with the fried tofu here! Too bad I completely forgot to take the pictures of it. Guess, I just got totally distracted by its delicious taste! 😅

Here's another shot of Shihlin's chicken! For a better quality picture, just keep scrolling below! 😉
It's the original-spicy flavor.
My mom bought this nice crackers right after her trip from Lamongan.
Another childhood snacks that brought back lots of memories ☺
Never knew what I brought for lunch at work? Here's one of the meals I usually have: red rice with tofu, and vegetables 😋
Check out the food I had on my relative's wedding party! 😄
Having this bubble tea from T4U! Great treats for a hot tiring day 😊
I never knew that the Sioamay Goreng from Mie Mapan was that delicious!! I really couldn't stop munching it, and I just stopped for a while to take this poor quality pictures, then proceed with the munching again 😂
I was lucky enough to be able to have an amazing a fun lunch date at Muttonbird Bistro & Rooftop! Read my complete thoughts about it here.
There were new menus from Pizza Hut, and my little sister was quite eager to try it. She ordered the Thai Chicken Rice and ate it happily. It tasted nice in my opinion.
Starbucks Indonesia was celebrating their anniversary! I got 50% discount for the drink, after I bought a food from their pastry case. Totally enjoying it! Check out the epic spelling of my name on the cup though. Honestly, I don't really understand how to read that 😂
Anddd.. Here are the better quality pictures of Shihlin's XXL Crispy Chicken with original-spicy flavor! They had a promo on their newest outlet at Pakuwon Mall, and their chicken was 50% off! So, I only paid IDR 20.000 for it! What a bargain! That's why it's so crowded here at that time 😁
I also visited another new store at Supermal Pakuwon Indah called Roppan! Find out more about it here.
I finally had my favorite Nasi Goreng Dewata from Pandan Village Restaurant again! It was nice to enjoy this delicious fried rice that I love again!
Here's a slightly better and clearer pictures of the Siaomay Goreng from Mie Mapan and Warung Mapan 😊
Another delicious tofu that you have to try if you're in Surabaya and just love tahu pong! 😁
Es Teler 77 was also opening at Pakuwon Mall. So, here I was, enjoying my lunch there because they have a promo where you can get another bowl of Mie Ayam (chicken noodle) after purchasing one bowl. Honestly, I didn't really enjoy the noodles because it's kind of bland, and would like to prefer the fried rice instead 😛
Another trip to Top Noodle House. Still in love with the porridge and dimsum, just like usual 😚
I was so glad that I finally able to try the Curry flavor of Samyang Hot Noodles!! I totally love the taste, because it kind of have the taste of Japanese curry, yet it's still super spicy. I'm such a Samyang lover that I don't care if it's spicy, I would totally have it again in the future and take time eating it, one spoon at a time 😆
I would love to introduce you to one of my favorite food stall at Pakuwon Trade Centre called Sello Phuning. It sells Manado food which has strong spicy taste. My family's favorite is to have the Ayam Woku (Woku Chicken) with Nasi Kuning (yellow rice)! Yummm! 😋
I just had to satisfy my craving for sushi! So, here I was, buying sushi from Suteki! 😁
Breadlife was also opening at Pakuwon Mall and my mother and I bought breads like there's no tomorrow 😆 The promo was really awesome, because I spend less that IDR 100.000 for lots and lots of breads. Glad to be able to taste lots of sweet bread from this bakery! 😄
Visited FoodKoma at East Coast Centre while working. The food were already quite cold when we finally ate it, but it's still have quite a nice taste 😁
Another Indonesian traditional snacks called pastel from one of my office mates who celebrated her birthday at that time!
Having another T4U drink while at work. It's the Milk Tea flavor I guess, my friend ordered it, so I wasn't really sure which flavor was it 😅
Those are all the yummy food I had in May!
In conclusion, my biggest obsession was Shihlin's XXL Crispy Chicken and I had lots of fun checking out the new stores at Pakuwon Mall.
Can't wait to show you the fun I've been having this June! 😆
See you on my next post!